
Showing posts from February, 2009

If only

If only my heart could cease to pain if only the chatter in my mind refrains if only hope knew no boundaries if only silence would quieten mildly maybe then i would see beyond a life never lived...never found.


Today morning while watching a video, i was suddenly reminded of a program that I saw on Discovery channel- It was something about paranormal activities in the Edinburgh vaults. About a man video taping his lone expeditions into the underground, unexplained world where at a point of time he was shouting and scared for no one knows what reason, he drops the camera and runs. The camera was discovered by some other visitors and they saw the clip..the film that continued to roll in the dark after the guy ran....and seems never to have come back. It got me curious of the place. I had never heard of Edinburgh's history except for its magnificent castles that too have enchanted me for a long time. Today, while trying to locate the video on Google, i chanced upon some of the underground vaults history. Now its got me ferverently interested again in the paranormal, the unexplained. I have added this city to my most wanted travel list..which i intend to cover in this lifetime.I don't kno...

Sacred Art

Art can also be referred to as 'sacred' ?... was my first reaction when I heard the term 3years ago. can an experience of performing and art (dancing, painting, sculpting etc.)reach a level of a spiritual experience? Of course I had experienced its strength but never could really find a term so apt as 'sacred'. As I went deeper into the subject, my fascination just kept growing. The rituals that we incessantly perform without even knowing that their relevance can actually be healers.In fact how many of us actually know the reason behind performing these? Recently I saw a Buddhist Mandala being created. It was a wish come true!..cause usually the religious mandalas are prepared in the shelter of the the lords house and is not accessible to outsiders. Thanks to all the fear, corruption and terrorism that compelled it to come out and spread its message of peace beyond borders, religions, creeds, genders, castes...gods have come out to free us mortals...isn't it high ti...

He's just not that into you

very true movie..what a fool us girls make of ourselves...going to extends that just don't matter..exactly how many times do u need to be dumped 'smartly' that u start realizing that a man actually does not want you the way you want him to want you. many dates, relationships, years later suddenly the sun dawns...Its just not happening!!n what do you do after that? how do you measure your worth? your self esteem that must have just vanished in thin air by then..exactly.......what counts????????

gujrat riots

Just how long does it take to accept situations?..a long long wait..years together that ended in one instant as the year changed.can a new year be so bad for someone? year..that means new hope, new life is also the last year of hope and life...7years is all that missing person can remain missing.after that year he is dead. one new year.the last of the 7years and people loose their last hope...they say anyone can survive on hope.. just how bad can it get when even hope is taken away with the change of calendar. can a few numbers actually erase out an existence..a existence that has no proof of itself being there or not being there.. how do u prove life?.how do say you are alive or dead..what is that difference in life and death that can be prolonged for 7 years and suddenly ended on Jan 1st.


Hi, this is my first blog account. I m really not into blogging but I would like to give it a shot. As the title says- these are reflections- reflections of life, experiences, lessons, praises,complaints....blah blah blah..yeah u know. rite? well.just keep following. cheers!