
Today morning while watching a video, i was suddenly reminded of a program that I saw on Discovery channel- It was something about paranormal activities in the Edinburgh vaults. About a man video taping his lone expeditions into the underground, unexplained world where at a point of time he was shouting and scared for no one knows what reason, he drops the camera and runs. The camera was discovered by some other visitors and they saw the clip..the film that continued to roll in the dark after the guy ran....and seems never to have come back. It got me curious of the place. I had never heard of Edinburgh's history except for its magnificent castles that too have enchanted me for a long time. Today, while trying to locate the video on Google, i chanced upon some of the underground vaults history. Now its got me ferverently interested again in the paranormal, the unexplained. I have added this city to my most wanted travel list..which i intend to cover in this lifetime.I don't know if it is the excitement of thrill associated with the other world or is it plain curiosity or..its my belief that i am in this world for a reason. and the reason is to help others. Maybe there are some disturbed souls out there that need to be calmed after all we never hurt anyone intentionally and of course beyond a certain limit we all want our privacy. Maybe the tourist visits ought to stop there.Maybe there are souls that want to rest in peace. Amen.


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