size matters?

Today, for the first time I saw a was a 'barat of a bride'. Not that I am a hardcore feminist but I just could let this day pass by without acknowledge what I had witnessed. This is the same country where women are burnt for dowry and here I was waiting to cross the road as soon as the huge procession of dancing people pass by. It took me while to realize that its a wedding procession of a girl..The bride seated on a lavish sofa carriage being pulled by some men was being taken to the wedding 'mandapam'. I know for sure that this is not the tradition in the south of India and might just be another lavish affair for the people to talk about months after the wedding is over. But to consider such a scenario happening is amazing. I mean, which woman wouldn't want to feel so important on the day of her wedding?. But to ride a chariot... well that is another realm altogether..on a personal note, I dont believe in lavish weddings.. its another case that i dont know if i believe in weddings at all.. but certainly not as big an affair as campaigning for politics where free food is distributed starting 2 months ago to win votes.
I guess at the end of it its the scale that matters. how big is urs?>>


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